The water that helps you grow profits

Micro carbon technology is a unique blend of extremely small organic carbon and oxygen-rich molecules. These molecules are an ultra-efficient vehicle to move nutrients and other molecules into the plant through its root system.
- Higher quality, increased yield, and maximum profits
- Enhanced activity and diversity of beneficial microorganisms
- Improved physical soil structure
- Enhanced nutrient availability and uptake
- Dramatically increased product use efficiency

HUMA GRO® Micro Carbon Technology® Product Line
Fertilizers with Micro Carbon Technology (MCT) can be up to ten times more efficient than conventional fertilizers. Micro Carbon Technology is a unique blend of extremely small organic carbon and oxygen-rich molecules. These molecules are an ultra-efficient vehicle to move nutrients and other molecules into the plant through its foliar or root systems.
ATS Gro is a distributor of Huma Gro, a line of liquid micro carbon nutritional plant products that provides crops with an immediately available carbon source. This ultra-efficient delivery system allows growers and crop managers to lower input volume while increasing yield, thus having a positive environmental impact on soil and plant health.
Benefits of Use:
- Higher quality, increased yield, and maximum profits
- Enhanced activity and diversity of beneficial microorganisms
- Improved physical soil structure
- Enhanced nutrient availability and uptake
- Dramatically increased product use efficiency

PROMAX® Soil Fungicide and Nematicide
As a contact killer, Huma Gro® PROMAX® is an organic-listed, EPA-exempt crop
protection product; it is a curative pesticide recommended for control of plant
parasitic nematodes and soil-borne diseases. Because it has no restricted use,
PROMAX can be applied throughout the entire growing season.
Integrated Pest Management:
Formulated to deliver maximum performance while minimizing the residual effect, PROMAX® works with most insecticides, miticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizers. PROMAX® is also an ideal product in tank mix strategies and rotation programs.
BREAKOUT® Improved Flowering and Fruiting of Plants
Carbon-compounded, via Micro Carbon Technology, Huma Gro® BREAKOUT® is designed to feed the natural metabolic process within the plant for enhanced bud initiation, flowering, and fruit set. When applied to soils, BREAKOUT® is successful at providing needed nutrients for fibrous root growth and improved root mass development.
Benefits of Use:
- Provides energy needed to push “bud-break” consistently
- Accelerates emergence of fruiting buds
- Provides energy required to promote uniform flowering, thus increasing the number of flowers and improving fruit set
- Can be used to acidify/buffer spray solutions (pH 2.0)
- Applied with other foliar nutrients for maximum effect on flowering and fruit set
- Can be used at seeding or transplanting to maximize new root growth
ZAP® For Strong, Healthy Soil
With its Micro Carbon Technology® Huma Gro® ZAP® is a multifaceted carbon and organic-based formulation of nutrients that allows for feeding the natural beneficial soil microbial balance. ZAP® feeds active, vigorous soil biology, indirectly resulting in the natural improvement of soil health.
How ZAP® Works:
- Enhances the activity of beneficial microbes detrimental to soil-borne diseases and plant-parasitic-nematodes, affecting soil environment surrounding roots
- Progresses root growth, therefore reducing susceptibility to secondary root infections
How ZAP® Works:
- Improved plant vigor
- Heightened beneficial soil microbial activity
- Creation of soil biological balance and species diversity
- Tackles microbial challenges related to cut or leveled-ground soil infertility
VITOL® For Vigorous, Healthy Plant Growth
Huma Gro® VITOL® is carbon-complexed, with Micro Carbon Technology®, that feeds the natural metabolic processes within the plant for vegetative development and fruit sizing. It increases the nutrient uptake of the plant and smoothly transitions the plant through its growth stages. Besides, it improves plant recovery from environmental stresses during peak crop demand periods. When you apply it to the soil, VITOL® provides necessary nutrients for root growth and elongation that are critical in taproot crops.
Benefits of Use:
- Increases foliar growth at emergence
- Maintains late-season growth and vigor, increasing fruit size and uniformity
- Provides plants energy

MICRO-pHOOD® Superior Uptake—Healthier Plants
Micro-pHood is a liquid micronutrient blend of key plant building blocks, including magnesium, iron, manganese, and zinc. This unique formula helps increase the plant’s ability to uptake micronutrients from the soil. Micro-pHood provides trace elements and plant nutrients which improves the overall plant condition and is a valuable supplement to soil fertilizer, particularly where there are adverse conditions for the uptake of primary nutrients from the soil.
Benefits of Use:
- Ready to Use Formula
- Stays in Solution
- Easy to Use

AGRITEC® Prevent Drip Line Biofouling
Losing irrigation pressure, along with biofouled nozzles, fittings, filters, and emitters turn a reasonably simple task into an ongoing frustration. Adding AgriTec, highly concentrated for low dose application, results in an effective cost per-acre savings. This environmentally friendly water conditioner will not harm humans, animals, and fish and can be used in all agricultural water conditions.
OMRI® listed and EPA registered, AgriTec makes for cleaner reservoirs, ponds, and irrigation lines; this means less maintenance and clean flowing lines and emitters by:
- Reducing Drip Line Biofouling
- Eliminating Bacterial Odor
- Controlling Bacteria and Algae
- Decreasing difficult Blue-Green Algae

KLEEN-PHREE™ Control & Prevent Mineral Buildup
To keep irrigation lines clear and control and prevent mineral buildup in all types of irrigation systems, Kleen-pHree™ from ESL is an environmentally friendly solution. It keeps lines and emitters clear, extends equipment life, and reduces maintenance. With only one dose necessary, this unique, concentrated formula is effective at keeping water flowing and turf growing.
- Concentrated low dose
- Reduces maintenance
- Works in all types of irrigation systems
- Keeps drip lines & emitters clean
- Extends equipment life

ATS Gro thrives on solving problems for agriculture. We use proven methodology and technology while looking for new ways to solve unanswered issues for our customers. Because of our vast experience and expertise, our customers choose ATS Gro to solve their toughest problems.
ATS Gro provides our customers with sustainable, proven, safe, and environmentally friendly solutions. Our commitment is to always protect our environment by implementing long-term agricultural solutions for optimal crop production and profits.